I'm a software engineer at Citadel. I like music, basketball, and travel (not in basketball though). Work-wise, I like to consider myself a generalist, but I most enjoy working on impactful and performant systems with a research-like focus. Despite working in NYC, I still have a fondness for being in the middle of nowhere, having previously obtained a B.S. in Computer Science from Cornell.
Previously, I was involved with cloud / distributed computing research with Cornell's Cascade and Derecho groups, under the supervision of Ken Birman. We're working on a distributed framework for applications that need strong consistency and availability at low latency.
Please feel free to reach out if you'd like to chat!
Cascade is a C++17 cloud application framework powered by optimized RDMA data paths. It provides a key/value API for data manipulation in distributed memory and persistent storage. Besides the API, Cascade allows injecting logic on the data paths for low-latency application.
To ease the isolation of the pandemic back in Spring 2020, I made this multiplayer web game which implements a classic poker game to play with friends and family. Built with socket.io, Node.js, and Express. Link to Website
fitme is a platform for fashion, powered by computer vision. We built a microservice using Flask, Docker, and Facebook AI's Detectron2 which is based on Mask R-CNN. We then connected this with a TypeScript React webapp allowing users to upload and segment fit images.